Dec 12, 2009

Should You Take Supplements?

Looking at the RDAs for all the different nutrients may seem daunting. You may worry about getting enough of the nutrients you need. Should you take a vitamin or mineral supplement?
     The answer is not clear-cut. Most dietitians and nutritionists advocate getting the bulk of your nutrients from food sources. If you rely on supplements, you may miss out on the other potentially health-enhancing substances in foods. Also, if supplements contain too much of a certain nutrient, they may deplete other nutrient supplies in your body.
     There are few exceptions to these recommendations, however:
  • Women of childbearing age and pregnant women are usually advised by their physician to take a supplement containing iron, calcium, and folic acid - all of which the developing fetus needs in large amounts. Women are often advised to continue taking the supplements throughout breast-feeding. (If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, however, you should consult your doctor before taking any vitamin or mineral supplements.)
  • There is a growing belief that women should take calcium supplements throughout adolescence and adulthood to prevent osteoporosis.

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