We all have different nutritional needs. Infants require different amounts of nutrients and calories than adolescents. Pregnant or breast-feeding women require different amounts of nutrients than other women, and both groups may require different amounts than men. How then do we know what we as individuals need?
This is where the National Research Council in Washington steps in. This agency reviews the many nutrition studies published every year in order to establish dietary guidelines. It provides these guidelines in the form of the Recommended Dietary Allowance, or RDA.
Nov 17, 2009
Nov 15, 2009
Eat To Control Your Blood Cholesterol Level
Whether you're among the thousands with a high blood cholesterol level or you just want to make sure your cholesterol level or you just want to make sure your cholesterol level stays low, reducing saturated fat in your diet should be your top priority. A few facts about cholesterol:
- Cholesterol is essential to your body's chemistry. But you don't have to consume any: The body is able to manufacture all the cholesterol it needs.
- All animals produce cholesterol. So foods from animal sources, such as egg yolks, meat, poultry, fish and milk products, contain cholesterol. Plants do not produce cholesterol, so grains, fruits, vegetables, and nuts do not contain cholesterol.
- Heredity determines how much cholesterol the body makes. In other words, some people manufacture more cholesterol than others, depending on their genes. Thus, your neighbor might eat bacon burgers until they come out of his ears and have a low cholesterol level, while you eat nothing but sprouts and nonfat cream cheese and your cholesterol level is dangerously high.
- Your body can adjust somewhat. If you regularly consume foods from animal sources, your body slows down its production of cholesterol. On the other hand, if you eat mostly foods from plant sources, your body manufactures more cholesterol to get the amount it needs. However, saturated fat can disrupt the body's cholesterol balancing mechanism.
- The amount of cholesterol in foods you eat is not the most important "no-no." The amount of saturated fat consumed has the greatest dietary effect on blood cholesterol levels. Total fat intake and total calorie intake are important as well. In fact, if you cut the total amount of fat in your diet, you'll probably also cut your cholesterol intake, since most high-cholesterol foods contain a lot of fat.
- Cholesterol is distributed throughout the body by lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), often referred to as "bad" cholesterol, carries cholesterol to the cells. The cholesterol that is not used up by the cells can build up on artery walls. This buildup, known as atherosclerosis, may decrease blood flow through the arteries and lead to heart attacks and strokes. High-density lipoprotein (HDL or "good" cholesterol) helps rid the body of cholesterol by carrying it to the liver where it is excreted.
- The ratio of LDL to HDL is what counts. In other words, a high total cholesterol level (LDL plus HDL) may not be so bad if you have a high level of HDL. Likewise, a low total cholesterol may not be as good as it seems if the HDL is very low. Here's the straight scoop: A desirable level of LDL is below 130, and a desirable level of HDL is 35 and above.
- Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. No more than 30 percent of your overall calories should come from fat. You can reduce the percentage of fat you consume to ten percent of calories without any adverse health effects. (The exception to this rule is for babies and children, who need a higher amount of fat in their diets to grow properly. Don't give skim or low-fat milk to a child younger than two years of age.)
The Macronutrients
Macronutrients come in three varieties: carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. The body needs all three of these macronutrients to survive. To thrive, it needs them in the proper amounts. the following sections are a short course on macronutrients - what your body uses them for, where to find them, and how much you need of each.
Carbohydrates come in three varieties: simple, complex, and fibrous. All three types contain about four calories per gram. Here's a breakdown:
- Complex carbohydrates, or starches, are found in legumes (dried peas and beans), grains, vegetables, and fruits.
- Fiber is found in whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits.
- Simple carbohydrates, or sugars, are found in table sugar, honey, natural fruit sugars, and molasses.
Carbohydrates are the body's principal source of energy. They fuel all bodily functions, including the digestion of other foods. While the other macronutrients can also be converted into energy, carbohydrates are the easiest fuel source for the body to process.
According to the Food Pyramid, more than half of our daily calories should come in the form of carbohydrates. Here's how to get the most nutritional bang for your buck:
According to the Food Pyramid, more than half of our daily calories should come in the form of carbohydrates. Here's how to get the most nutritional bang for your buck:
- Consume the majority of your carbohydrate calories in the form of whole grains, beans, potatoes, fruits, and vegetables.
- Minimize your intake of foods made with white flour and white sugar, such as cake, cookies, and candy.
- Eat high-fiber carbohydrates, such as bran cereal,apples, dry beans (kidneys, pintos, and limas), peas, parsnips, and potatoes.
Protein, like carbohydrates, contains four calories per gram. It performs two essential functions in the body: growth and maintenance of tissues, and formation of infection-fighting antibodies. Protein is found in many foods, primarily those of animal origin. High-protein foods include:
- Meat, Dairy Products, Poultry, Grain products, Fish and shellfish, Dry beans and peas, Eggs
While it's important to eat enough protein (especially during childhood, adolescence, and pregnancy), too much protein can put unnecessary stress on the kidneys. It may also contribute to obesity, heart disease, and possibly certain cancers when the sources of protein consumed are primarily high-fat meat and dairy products.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 gram per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of ideal body weight per day. Pregnant and breast-feeding women require an additional 30 and 20 grams, respectively.
Lipids are a group of fatty substances that include fats, oils, and waxes. They help the body absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E, and K), act as a ready source of energy, insulate against heat loss, and act as a cushion for many tissues and organs.
The following types of lipids are found in food: triglycerides, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils, cholesterol, and linoleic acid.
The following types of lipids are found in food: triglycerides, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils, cholesterol, and linoleic acid.
Triglycerides: the primary form of fat found in foods. Fat is composed primarily of three types of fatty acids: saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated. The biggest distinction between saturated and unsaturated fats is that the saturated ones, such as butter or shortening, are solid at room temperature. Vegetable oil (polyunsaturated) is not. Saturated fats are implicated in raising the body's cholesterol level and in clogging the arteries
Saturated fats are found in all animal products, as well as in coconut and palm oils. Polyunsaturated fats make up most of the fats in corn, safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils. Olive and canola oil contain mostly monounsaturated fat. Peanut oil has slightly more monounsaturated than polyunsaturated fat. In general, the less saturated fat an oil contains the more healthful it is.
Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats and oils: lipids processed to prolong shelf life. They are semi solid at room temperature. Hydrogenating a fat or oil creates trans fatty acids, which research has found to be potentially more harmful than saturated fats.
Cholesterol: a white, crystalline substance found in all animal fats and oils.
Cholesterol: a white, crystalline substance found in all animal fats and oils.
Linoleic acid: the only "essential" polyunsaturated fatty acid. This means the body cannot synthesize this limit and must obtain it through dietary sources.
It's well known that one step in losing excess body fat is reducing fat intake. One reason is that fat contains nine calories per gram. (Remember, protein and carbohydrate have only four.) Also, the body needs to do minimal processing to store dietary fat as body fat; therefore, it processes and stores fat more readily than protein or carbohydrates. In addition to providing a hefty dose of calories, a high-fat diet is also associated with an increased risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.
Most nutrition experts believe that no more than 30 percent of the calories you consume in a day should come from fat.
Nov 14, 2009
How much is a serving?
Serving size depends on the food. Here's a quick primer. One serving equals:
First, although we are cautioned against excess intake of fats and sugars, the Food Pyramid still groups steak (a relatively high fat, high cholesterol, low-fiber source of protein) with beans (a low-fat, cholesterol-free, high-fiber source of protein). Cookies, cakes, and pies are grouped with bread. Spinach is grouped with french fries. In short, this guideline graphic doesn't indicate which foods in each food group are highest in nutritional value.
Second, the number of servings of certain foods may not be adequate for everyone. For example, pregnant women need higher amounts of calcium-rich dairy products and high-protein foods.
However, with a little extra knowledge, savvy consumers can use the guidelines as the basis for a diet that meets their nutritional needs, promotes good health, and may reduce the risk of disease. Here are some pointers to get the most out of the guidelines
- 1/2 cup cooked vegetables
- 1/2 cup raw vegetables or 1 cup raw leafy greens
- 1 piece of fruit (such as medium-size apple, orange, or banana)
- 1/2 cup diced fruit, grapes, or berries
- 6 ounces of juice
- 1 slice of bread or 1/2 bagel
- 1/2 cup cooked rice, cereal, grain, or pasta
- 1 ounce of dry cereal
- 1 cupof milk or yogurt
- 1 1/2 ounces of cheese
- 3 1/2 ounces of meat, fish, or chicken
First, although we are cautioned against excess intake of fats and sugars, the Food Pyramid still groups steak (a relatively high fat, high cholesterol, low-fiber source of protein) with beans (a low-fat, cholesterol-free, high-fiber source of protein). Cookies, cakes, and pies are grouped with bread. Spinach is grouped with french fries. In short, this guideline graphic doesn't indicate which foods in each food group are highest in nutritional value.
Second, the number of servings of certain foods may not be adequate for everyone. For example, pregnant women need higher amounts of calcium-rich dairy products and high-protein foods.
However, with a little extra knowledge, savvy consumers can use the guidelines as the basis for a diet that meets their nutritional needs, promotes good health, and may reduce the risk of disease. Here are some pointers to get the most out of the guidelines
- Try to select foods that are minimally processed. Many foods lose nutrients during processing. For example, whole-wheat bread and pasta contain more essential nutrients than bread or pasta made with bleached white flour. Likewise, brown rice is better for you than white rice. The closer the food is to its original form, the more nutrients.
- Don't peel fruits and vegetables. When you can, leave the skin on. It contains many vitamins and minerals. Just be sure to wash the skins.
- Ideally, choose fresh or frozen foods. These contain the most nutrients.
- Try not to boil vegetables. Essential nutrients are boiled away into the cooking water. Instead, steam vegetables on the stove or in the microwave with only a few tablespoons of water. If you must boil vegetables, do so in the least amount of water for the shortest time possible to preserve their vitamin and mineral content.
- Don't overcook vegetables. Eat them raw or cook them only until they are tender-crisp.
- Choose the foods within each food group that are lowest in salt, fat, and sugar. Add only minimal amounts of these when preparing food.
- Buy milk in cardboard containers or colored plastic containers rather than translucent ones when possible. Light breaks down some vitamins contained in the milk.
Dietary Guidelines: The Food Pyramid

Many factors are involved in answering the question "What should I eat?" But one thing is certain - the days of the basic four food groups are long gone. Here are just three of the many reasons for their disappearance from the nutritional landscapes.
First, they weren't specific enough.
Second, no distinction was made in the value of nutrition. In other words, all the food groups were considered equally important. An apple was encouraged with the same emphasis as a steak.
Third, the recommendations did not specify preferences within each food group; for example, ice cream appeared to be as healthful as a glass of skim milk.
First, they weren't specific enough.
Second, no distinction was made in the value of nutrition. In other words, all the food groups were considered equally important. An apple was encouraged with the same emphasis as a steak.
Third, the recommendations did not specify preferences within each food group; for example, ice cream appeared to be as healthful as a glass of skim milk.
- Eat a variety of foods.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
- Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grains.
- Use sugars only in moderation.
- Use salt and sodium only in moderation.
- If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation
Many of us received a nutrition education since primary school. We learned about the "four food groups" and were taught to eat moderately from each group every day. We also learned a bit about how our body uses specific vitamins and nutrients: Vitamin A for eyesight, calcium for strong bones and teeth, and so on.
Times have changed.
Researchers now know the foods we eat strongly influence our health: They pave the way for us to have healthy babies, help prevent or promote diseases, may sharpen or weaken our mental acuity, and may even affect our moods. In short, we now know proper nutrition is vitally important to almost every physiological process and function.
These physiological processes may be complicated, but learning what you need to know about nutrition does not need to be. Just read on and I hope you get to learn from the next articles that will be posted here.
Times have changed.
Researchers now know the foods we eat strongly influence our health: They pave the way for us to have healthy babies, help prevent or promote diseases, may sharpen or weaken our mental acuity, and may even affect our moods. In short, we now know proper nutrition is vitally important to almost every physiological process and function.
These physiological processes may be complicated, but learning what you need to know about nutrition does not need to be. Just read on and I hope you get to learn from the next articles that will be posted here.
Relevance of Having a healthy body
Welcome here in my site which aims to inform and educate readers about the importance of good health and I offer here some practical tips without all the lofty medical terms or confusing jargon used by doctors. Simply read a section every now and then, when you have a few minutes. But use common sense when you follow the advice and don't try every suggested treatment for a given ailment all at once. Keep in mind too that this is not meant to replace your doctor's advice and treatment. Some symptoms might suggest a serious health problem and warrant a trip to the doctor. I encourage you to discuss any health concerns or questions you may have with your doctor.
It is better to become actively involved and responsible for your own health. Don't think of your physician as being in sole charge of your health. Think of it as a partnership effort in which you have an essential role. Analyze the way you care for your body and resolve to make changes for the better.
It is better to become actively involved and responsible for your own health. Don't think of your physician as being in sole charge of your health. Think of it as a partnership effort in which you have an essential role. Analyze the way you care for your body and resolve to make changes for the better.
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